Brand new shoes

Snarling teeth bared for everyone to see

No pretending

No apologies 

Just hatefulness animosity callousness 

Cold sting of the high altitude 

Leaving me afraid of your rabid behavior 

Nowhere to run

Nowhere to hide

Left to the devices of those wanting extermination

Of me and all my kind

Now I shall be baptized into the mist

taking turns

twist and sparkle on the ground

sweet dancing in the rain

when the softness can be found

in the patience and the pain

forgotten witnesses are learned

and they saw it once again

in the fire long was burned

treaties forged in blood for gain

shadows of humanity are bound

where the innocence of cain

the sins of abel swims around

sweet dancing in the rain

ferris wheel & pink cotton candy

it’s a tumultuous feeling


it seems like a lie

a temptation for tornadoes

to rip everything apart

leaving the soul barefoot

to navigate across shattered glass


a perfect indicator of emotional doom

the sniper in place

waiting for the order to fire

the ravens gather for the onslaught


leaving time for promises to die

giving way to mental destruction

defenseless, naked, unmasked, unaware

blind in a boxing match


time to prepare myself

for the barbed wire dress

for the parade of the despised


pacts and trusts in boxes

that i am unable to open

i don’t have the fucking key

i don’t have the fucking tools


what a bullshit mirage

put in place to make the thinking

go to doctors and hospitals

thorazine and depakote

frontal lobotomy life therapy

there is no comfort in joy

there is no contentment in tranquility

happiness is rotting flesh disguised with aromatherapy


house calls

synchronicity and serendipity

conjuring up mutual need for kindredness

magical sound of a knock on the door

a blast from the past

i had no idea the sight of you would

make my heart skip in my chest

like a three year old

memories of long ago

playing cards

roaming mountains

exploring haunted houses

jaw bones of unknown animals

a rose and a poem

i saw you

the ache of missing you

boiled up then floated away

to see your face

to hear your laughter

to listen to stories

of loss

of neglect

of children

of new love

of unrighteous intruders

of adventures

of a life that molded

the girl i knew

the girl i love

into a woman

i have known my whole life

you are no longer the maiden

you are the mother

how beautiful it is

the flower you have bloomed into


-for aubrey

my heart on fire

it’s beautiful


whirling twirling

uninhibited unrestrained

chasing bubbles, ladybugs, dragonflies

singing up the sun

howling at the moon

laughing the stars into existence

acting on impulse

taking down the mirrors

the world as it is

no reverse images

unwinding the clocks

so maybe life can stand still

while we are innocent

while we are here

here we are

here i am


it’s beautiful






hey, lady love, your overpriced social cause or mine?

we walk together guarded

because it is secret

because it is promised

because the mystics and poets

singers, swingers, dancers, lovers

summoned the gods in the tunnels

the underground labyrinth of freedom

passage and personhood granted by pantheons

long dead but still dancing the street

essence and smiles fade still the hearts beat

ancient stories detailed on concrete walls

hieroglyphs and sigils gifts of rebellion

starving artists, junkies, rebels, misanthropes

barry manilow, john wayne, donald trump, snooky

the flowers of the up and coming mental apocalypse

so kiddos roll up your sleeves

all signs point down into the bowels

shit’s about to get really real richie rich!

take my hand, lover of mine, let’s rock the subway!


the nevereverland

sometimes i hate you like i hate picasso

i hate the trust i see when i see you in beauty

the way the universe tries to hum me to sleep

like white noise or a wheezing granny’s cigarette breath

i hate when you let me fall down then extend your hand

i hate who i am so stupid and flimsy and frail

all the crisp white and neat 90 degree angles

it’s like a fucking birdcage with no fucking birds

just ridiculous and oddly obscene

living life in climate controlled boxes

bitchin’ and moanin’ about the rough life in uv lighting

sometimes people need to roam around

pace on red dirt roads and gravel trails going on

yellow grass littered with goat-head sticker patches

the beast of the satanic botanic gardens

sometimes i just need to hate you to hate me

like grit in my teeth or blisters on my toes

lovin’ ain’t soft or kind or sweet

hallmark and jazz-vomit for the masses

chocolate taste like shit, roses have thorns

love is pulling your guts out, dragging them behind you

it’s blind rage, arrogance and reckless stupidity

i know i love you because you break me

like a 75 year old virgin’s hymen, you break me

without thought or fear or knowledge

i hate you for making me know i am living

all i want is to stop

i love you because you are the most of everything

you are the sum of all that is ever been kind and pretty

i love you because even in the inside of a monster you illuminate

you radiate and shine casting light on imperfections

and drawing this insect out to orbit until her wings crumble

70 days early

for decades i saw the all of you

there will never be a moment

not a 10,000th of one second

i will not protect you

slaying demons, dragons, sorcerers

i will break the boundaries into hell

and fuck the devil himself to keep you safe

but i am fading from your mind

sometimes i can close my eyes

remembering, wallowing in nostalgia

you throwing food on the floor

your clear indication the five star dining had ended

i can still feel the stab, the nausea

the words the doctor said after listening to your chest

there was a woman screaming 

she followed me for days

i realized that scream was from me

fear boiling in a cauldron

the green tar-like goop spilling

poisoning all rational thought

in the end the elixir dissipated

and the 27 rational thoughts began scurrying 

 i have your voice burned in my memory bank

your first laugh, your five year old voice

the voice of the frustrated 14 year old

the laughter of today…

i miss you

i miss knowing you

i miss your trust in me

i miss bocce ball and late night snacks

i want to understand

but i don’t know

how many one-sided conversations

i can have with your door


what was “once upon a time” is now

there was a bit of my soul i cut away

i put in an envelope before we reunited

i was afraid it would be lonely

so i added a letter and pictures and magic rocks

to entertain and comfort that deep aspect

that primordial essence of me-past, present, future

i have scars inside and out

i have fears of things with no names

i have fears with names-those are nightmares

the fairy tales, stories of fate, love at first sight

before that night in november, in a crowded restaurant

i was 100% sure love between lovers was impossible

the fairy tales, stories of fate, love at first sight

those were ploys to sell poorly written music

only the suckers read romance novels

(i still think romance novels are pretty gross)

you taught me how to love so deeply

i resonate with the immortal, the ancient

a love that helps me call down the moon

i still dance with you free and open and happy

even if i can’t stand on my feet

i hope to laugh with you beyond death

in every lifetime i want to sleep

my head on your shoulder, you rubbing my hair

i want to walk my steps of infinity holding your hand

you are beautiful

you are magic

you are pure

you are divinity