

Swimming through the rivers

Of blood and poppy mists

Strung out tied up fucked off

Blueprinted into disaster

Burning and broken

Bones cracking mutilaton

horror illuminated 

Gasping for air

A heart beating out of control

Little legs aching to run 

Fingers desperate and undefined

Comfort just out of reach

Always hungry for more

This is no life for them 

Mourn them before breath

A sweet death

Is humane 

interdependent web of existence

tears of the damned

numbers and numbers and numbers

representing individuals


a man with a plan

a woman wanting to make bread

a child who loves rain

we watch numbers without names

names have too much value

when we hear names

the strings of attachment to humanity

pull too hard, decisions begin forming

actions feel necessary


200,000 people

one man who wanted to build a house

one young man in love with one young woman

one 70 year old man who just wanted to sleep without bombs

one 3 year old girl who never read

one 8 year old girl who loved the stars

one human being essential to the future


200,000 human beings with names and dreams and goals essential to the future

i wail for the loss of humanity

i weep for the transference of names to numbers

i cry for the percentages

i yearn desperate for what we have lost

i burn inside for the time

humanity overthrows the prejudice, power, division

i will keep the names of those who lived

those who have to face it again and again

etched in my soul

for the dead no longer pray

they no longer cry tears of the damned




red dirt, yellow grass and pecan pie

when i was a little girl

deep texas accent and a head of golden curls

big blue bonnets and big blue eyes

i remember holding my daddy’s hand

and we would kneel by the side of the bed

in unison making the sign of the cross

saying our prayers and sending our blessings

i remember the bedtime stories

princesses, monsters, goats, wickedness

i remember the voice that he used for golem

while reading the hobbit under the canopy

i remember the nights of the full moon

half asleep, barefoot, rain or drought

the feral family we were howling like wolves

i remember thinking my daddy was god

i remember thinking my daddy beat god

i remember the constant looks of disappointment

i relived the never-ending torment of never being enough

the loneliness of loss while standing in the same room

i remember the day i stopped having a daddy

it was the last day of childish hope

one day i met the man, the mortal flawed person

he was not wodin*, he was not rübezahl*, he was

i was able to love my daddy for being a man not a god

my daddy began to love me for doing good things

passionately imperfect and flawed

i was no saving grace, i was no mary, i was

we parted this world knowing each other in truth

we sat eye to eye honest and loving with our hearts

i can feel the parts of me that are him come alive

he comes to life in my children

when they refuse to submit

when they believe with their everything

when they love from deep down

i hear him when i hear bb king and lucille

i see him in the sun rise and in the smoky mountains

nothing ever ends it changes, morphs, evolves

but the curtain never falls for good….

just long enough to change the scenery



*wodin: the saxon name for the more commonly known norse god odin.  both are germanic languages, and related just different areas and different spellings.

*rübezahl: from old german folklore (but the geographical location is different than modern european germany) a mountain spirit.  he was a trouble-maker and kinda overall weirdo trickster.  he liked playing practical jokes, especially using the weather.  growing up and hearing some of the old tales, i thought of my dad’s uncle ted who was one of the funniest weirdest guys i ever met.  i didn’t have a grandpa, and uncle ted played that role-the pull my finger guy.  he had a dog named “little britches” and we would go out to his farm where there was no electricity and he would have peppermint candies, he would ask if we wanted one while he was feeding one to little britches.  of course it was sugar so we would all scream “yes yes we want one!!!” to which he would reply “you are such nasty children who eat dog food!!!!  you eat dog food!!!”  he would run around throwing peppermint hard candy at us while we squealed and he would just be laughing bc we ate dog food.  my dad was exactly like that too.  it was hard for people to meet him and not like him, and he was just silly.

erosion of my stone heart

i thought we would hold hands forever

i have fought your demons and monsters

begging and bargaining to keep you safe

processed pressed turkey loaf and instant tea

plastic spoons for everyone’s protection

i walk the memories in the hallway of my mind

i find pictures of who we used to be

the romanticized versions of the you and the me

i have always been able to tell myself lies

i tried to love you sane

i wanted to love you happy

i wished to love you to life

but i am not enough to live for you

i took the belt, the shame, the wrath

when he exploded in blind rage

i wouldn’t eat until you ate first

i was a child raising someone else’s child

i would have gouged my eyes to keep you from crying

i am no saint

i am no pacifist

broken fingers, black eyes, fist fights, name calling

and more and more and more and more

two lifetimes of more

words like carbon monoxide suffocating your kids

phone calls, threats, lies

calculating measurements ensuring scar-tissue:

“it’s taking you so long to die…just do it already!”

red and blue flashing lights men in uniform on my porch

love for a girl and a boy while refusing you access

denying you the ability to steer my life

gives justification for an avant garde war of the roses

i have given up on the illusion of sisterhood

i learned you will never ask how i am doing

i learned i don’t need you to ask

i learned my soul can sing and shine

i can laugh from deep inside without worry or shame

when there is no smog or poison wringing all of me

i hope you find a happiness one day

daddy’s last wish was i take care of you

but i have to say goodbye and i can not say hello again




the lovely & talented dichotomy

thunder, searing flesh, bells, whispers

laughter, harsh demands, echoing

sending 3 billion galaxies

universally, unilaterally, uniformly

writhing, rhythmic gyrations

waves crashing inside of life

moving in, out, through

no permission needed

carrying with it all secrets

osmosis, baby!


it’s not about fair

it’s about seconds, months, decades

it’s about the verbs, nouns, descriptives

thinking, loving, gripping, screaming

diamond tears and sapphire giggles

immerse into the pool, marinate in divinity

footsteps can start earthquakes

euphoria and agony have always been bedmates



frantic phone calls

pulling off dirty clothes

and sliding into clean duds

tears and fears and dread

speeding down the highway

fuck a ticket, fuck a speed limit

getting slightly turned around in our hometown

the white cross is the hospital

jumping through fire and walking tightropes

inside outside front back

twisting turning labyrinth of metal and death

we found our clan, thinking we had time

another chance to kiss a hand

another word to whisper in the ear

just one more moment

but we were too late

when the body was free

no monitors

no plastics



they came to get us

the solemn walk to analyze death’s work

the job had been done thoroughly

she could not have been more abscent

there was no sign or trace or memory of her in the room

but in the eyes of  “H” there she was

and when “L” laughs, that is her

she dances inside

genetically and enviromentally

for decades we smashed skulls

mostly because we are much too pig headed

she ushered me into motherhood

and held my hand as i crossed

into the neither here nor there

the patient time

we did have the years of laughter

the phone calls of joyful love


thank you, kathy

thank you for:












and fruit salad

we will write stories and songs about you

the kindness and love

we will light candles and celebrate

and we will cry because it’s hard to be apart

thank you for the past 21 years

the magical mystery of the batshit crazy

i am firmly

singular owner of my body

there is only one entity

that may decide

what i will and won’t do

not a system

not a government

not a body of radical weirdos

the only thing in this world

that will and can keep


from life is


i was born into a certain social caste

indoctrinated into beliefs

sometimes i doubt

do i believe my beliefs

do i believe my consciousness

are my emotions reactions

mine or familial baggage

bestowed on me

was i taught

directly or indirectly

it doesn’t matter

that all people are equal

this was not a running philosophy my family

slurs and exceptions


reactions and self discipline

not to fall into that pit is still chained to them

ways and comprehensions

confuse and leave me

in constant semi-terrified states

a bitterness sits in the back of the throat

the cold, trail-less landscape of self discovery

a mixture of toxic and tincture

facing the demons

fighting the mist and ghosts

old enemies come back

prepared for a battle

over the sanity of my life



allowing them to act as my mirror

mountains to hurdle

my mind is as free

as a mind can be

i do not bow

break for anyone

i am simply personified

a holistic woman undefined

there have been video game-like barriers obscuring my travels

my direction

but the trail




whispers in the wind

the song of birds

i hold my head high

for no reason besides humanity

i am a part of the web of life

i will not get out alive

what happens after that

questionable and debatable

while i am here

i can leave a footprint

i will be better on the way out

life is loud

the eeriness collected, it’s much too quiet

it’s the quietness of absence, loss, fear

it’s silence left by the dead’s last thought

the sound of tears hitting the hardwood floor

generations of laughter locked in plaster

muted anger and passion in corners

echoed sound of mourners sitting shiva

the happy home now a sarcophagus

pretend and play the role of normal

smile despite the pain and horrors

ghosts wait in whispers and shadows

as boxes fill with symbols of what was life

the relics of the mundane, uninteresting

now holding value beyond comprehension

snatching the last memory of laughter

the last dance of the yellow rose

the cold smile of dementia


a collection of symbols and sounds,

seemingly benign




there are times these neutral beings

creep up tap me on the shoulder

flying fist of fury in the face





sunsets and flowers

a bumbling mess

the laundry pile of thoughts midair

leaving me a cackling crone sprawled on  concrete

spitting teeth and blood

expelling bile bitter and yellow

between the hacking laughter of the demented

the old woman in the young body

21st century trojan horse

confusion and maze-like obstacles to conquer

before words, thoughts, names become intangible

karmic retribution for crimes unknown


a dark comedy written for the omnipotent forces

walking and talking in malls and dance clubs

Deities in raves and eating mdma by the handfuls

the highest quality fear molded into reality

mental monstrosity is a dirty martini of the gods

attempts at neutrality, the scientific method

lovers chanting hope

“they are not sure”

faith is the dead stink of decay engulfing the corpse

somehow comforting the most beloved and foolish

a sucker’s religion in opium dens

blind and loving it

optimism-a comfort, a nice sunshine breaking the night

the ability to see shit and call it shineolia their saving grace

it is a gift to the few lost in prayer and humanity

those dripping conviction

not accessible to the masses

to the hungry and the drowning

the sickness of my mind stole the pretty package of disillusionment

leaving stones and rotten potatoes

the coal from santa

the confusion grows daily

the memory fades and twists

lost in ever-changing loops and turns of life’s labyrinth

now a prison of trees and beautiful creatures of death

“they aren’t sure…”

“noone is certain…”

“hold onto hope…”

the new lines of empty pomposity on the inside of hallmark cards

given freely by loved ones and the compassionate stranger

those in my boat

the other passengers prepared and scared

sweaty hands choking tickets

marked for the summerland

there is a common look

the smile giving comfort and calm

but the eyes hold the ideas of pain and demonic horrors

as far as we know it’s a one way trip

a nonstop to nowhere

lucifer-cruel bringer of light- tells us to pack a toothbrush

the built in human mechanism of self preservation

the carbon-based refusal to surrender in spite of defeat

i am no different

i am no better than the beggar at the door

i will scavenge for alternatives

drinking elixirs and popping pills

new this and that and medical studies of possibilities

i will sign papers until deemed unable to do so

then they will sign the papers for me

anything to hold on just one more day

to laugh one more time

today almost sane


in my pjs of pretense

i hold the hammer of bravery and strength unwavering

climbing into the herculean ego and recklessness

facing the world like a madman on meth

but i have yet to forget to wear clothes

i still have time


a respite from madness

one day that will be a dream

a balloon released

all of the hopes and the prayers, bargains and promises

soon there will not be enough

silk flowers and rabbits

to pull off the party trick buying time

everything looks different when you live life reversed

playing back blocks memories in sensory overload

when the past will be gone and life will be forgotten

a madness of lonely lunacy

brain shrinking and shaking

all that is left is a shell

the creature inside long gone

light and shadows etched on kodak paper

the dancing eyes and smiles of what once was

fingers hovering over the red button of annihilation-not your granddaddy’s kinda war

arrogance pomp and circumstance

holding the holy wars in your hands

the capture of humanity wrapped

in a shroud of stars and stripes

because you bleed red white and blue

the domination of other nations

cultures, lives, dogma, knowledge

thrown like dice in a back alley shadow

the hustler knowing the tricks and the traps

but the lines of pitiful fools keeps growing

never stopping long enough to know

those who can’t don’t, won’t hope

it’s different for those who sing

open unafraid unhindered

belting out bottomless lyrics

when the saints come marching in

and all the trivia of amazing grace

reading words without comprehension

symbols written in sand at low tide

kill those at the wrong end of the rainbow

never seeing glitter and gold and hope

watching your child starve, shake, sick

too many flies to wipe from their faces

they can’t eat words or drink sentiment

peddling your freedom door to door

in the neighborhoods of popup houses

with no guts, no trademark, no idea

a beige population with picket fences

screaming words in combinations

stirring the emotions of bred nationalists

the children raised on lies and apple pies

baseball, hot dogs and jesus christ

stomping in unison, automatons chanting

“let freedom ring, democracy for all”

tired phrases, definition lost in translation

uncle sam sending birthday cards and love

draft numbers concocted, dropped in the hat

like bingo numbers in the old folks home

the very judicial sentiment in small print

a contract for open hunting season

on those born in the wrong place wrong time

it’s all about survival of the fittest, eugenics

romantic revolutions carried out by children

seven steps removed from humanity

the ritual beginning with the broken ego

the self shaved away with locks of hair

the initiation, indoctrination and validation

the ever present buzzing of the hive mind

one unit, one body, one hand murdering

setting thousands of babies on fire

the laundry list of philosophy and excuses

cannot neutralize the image of the three year old

girl wrapped around her mother’s knee

eyes watching as bullets hit heads

spraying brains on concrete and bricks

terrified, existing long enough to know

to feel the warmth of the mother’s blood

the hand once steady, now limp and loose

there is no justification, no moral rationale

when the mother screams in labor

the birth of a still born innocent monster

a wad of skinless organs, bones and pain

the baby who lives with no skull and 4 legs

the result of uranium plated death

radioactive, nuclear devices of submission

recycled and used as a fine china set

enemies bought and paid for with taxes

billions of dollars invested in a war

to kill an enemy who carries a gun

stamped made in the usa