sometimes stopping the pain is the end of it all

i see death in your silhouette

no, death is intimate and romantic

i see void

i see vast emptiness

a life where nothing lives

no parasite will feast

fleas, lice and the like scatter

even the most basic of chemical reactions

can speak fluently in survival

and where you linger, life does not

you suck love, light and happiness

from the souls of the pure

leaving them demented, tortured

banging their heads in sanitariums

selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors

anti-psychotics and shock therapy

when all else fails…

drilling holes in proper places and pour the ethanol

the torture you carry drenched in midnight ejaculation

self service, self rise, self satisfy, self depraved

narcissus and his pool of water-a swimming lesson

you are noxious when kind, napalm for the soul

great and mighty, papaver somniferum, the human equalizer

dripping, oozing, squirting madness onto trembling hands

but today your taste does not linger in my mouth

there is no fleeting euphoria of you swimming inside

as beautiful as you can appear, dear poppy,

your delicate petals swirling  lavenders, reds and pinks

springing from pale green pods-breath taking in every way

i now drift to sleep in the arms of true love

and i have never slept so soundly



erosion of my stone heart

i thought we would hold hands forever

i have fought your demons and monsters

begging and bargaining to keep you safe

processed pressed turkey loaf and instant tea

plastic spoons for everyone’s protection

i walk the memories in the hallway of my mind

i find pictures of who we used to be

the romanticized versions of the you and the me

i have always been able to tell myself lies

i tried to love you sane

i wanted to love you happy

i wished to love you to life

but i am not enough to live for you

i took the belt, the shame, the wrath

when he exploded in blind rage

i wouldn’t eat until you ate first

i was a child raising someone else’s child

i would have gouged my eyes to keep you from crying

i am no saint

i am no pacifist

broken fingers, black eyes, fist fights, name calling

and more and more and more and more

two lifetimes of more

words like carbon monoxide suffocating your kids

phone calls, threats, lies

calculating measurements ensuring scar-tissue:

“it’s taking you so long to die…just do it already!”

red and blue flashing lights men in uniform on my porch

love for a girl and a boy while refusing you access

denying you the ability to steer my life

gives justification for an avant garde war of the roses

i have given up on the illusion of sisterhood

i learned you will never ask how i am doing

i learned i don’t need you to ask

i learned my soul can sing and shine

i can laugh from deep inside without worry or shame

when there is no smog or poison wringing all of me

i hope you find a happiness one day

daddy’s last wish was i take care of you

but i have to say goodbye and i can not say hello again




waiting for the hands on the clock to applaud

i can feel the all of me swinging

the back and forth motion

learning from the past is nice

but living in the now is deadly

just a taste

a tiny little taste

just one

then it can be put away

i am too tired

every bit of me screams

my daily torture and torment

hooded ladies with lips of poppies

velvet and warm and dreaming

forgetting for moments

the tragedy and carnage

no more words of importance

a respite from political correctness

i wish it could be true….

pain dissolved in water

but i am me

i am “aswang”*




*aswang-filipino folklore-a shape-shifter.  the aswang can appear as a shy, innocent human then change into horrible, vampire-like monsters who feed on fetuses, babies and children.

white milky latex of the poppy

there are always screams

day and night every moment

even though they are there

i refuse to listen

i do not hear what they promise

the payment is too high

and the reward too small

there are days i sit

seemingly calm

i am anything but cool or collected

the plotting and flim-flam started without me

the mission was impossible to miss

they tell me i need it

dr’s explain in hurried voices

“healing is not possible with pain”

but living is not possible

when junk is your life

i can tolerate pain

i cannot tolerate the cusp

between life and death

my lungs breathing-barely

my heart beating-barely

and my mind shut off

like the vegas strip

if gambling changed courses

and all bets were done

a ghost town of hard hits and recklessness

the screams from the corners of my mind

screeching howling pleading

“just a bit”

“it will be different this time”

“you know how to control it”

“amy can give you daily doses”

half-truths and full-lies

pretty pills golden, white, blue, speckled, yellow, orange, tan

different shapes and different sizes

sexy and seductive with artistic flare

a smoke-screen, a magic trick, lights and shadows

when it grips the core

when it defines all

life is only infinite tearing of the soul and body

illness, pain, fear, panic, writhing-i will take death

i will never again wear my death shroud while i live

my body is my bondage

inflammation and dementia

what a lovely party

rolling hills of myofascial tissue

blue streams exquisite and romantic

gondolas carrying red corpuscles

a relaxing contradiction

under it all

beneath the surface

a war is raging

me versus me

where disease runs amuck

mamertine prison

short-term limitation of supply and effort

where traitors are stored

coded messages sent in heart beats

it is international mayhem

fires and nuclear waste

napalm factories in nooks and nodes

leaders with plastic surgery smiles

a small reassurance

conference calls

the ‘yes crowd’ gathered and huddled

drafting demands in guise of compromise

george w bushy 2 is runnin the show

commander and chief of immunology


unless…well, some terrorists…depends really….look at mars

leukocytes get drunk and confused

friendly fire rape and pillage

the hell out of their own team

giant groups of terrorist

and could be terrorist

who were never terrorist to begin with

i am a being destroyed by myself

pain agony suffering torment affliction

unimaginable and almost surreal

there is no mercy or relief

there is no sacred place

no sanctuary

those who promised comradery

have become neutral

avoiding eye contact knowing it can’t be too long

but the joyful must not know

all the floral beauty and sanity must remain

there is only one option

paint loveliness and ignore it all

life is loud

the eeriness collected, it’s much too quiet

it’s the quietness of absence, loss, fear

it’s silence left by the dead’s last thought

the sound of tears hitting the hardwood floor

generations of laughter locked in plaster

muted anger and passion in corners

echoed sound of mourners sitting shiva

the happy home now a sarcophagus

pretend and play the role of normal

smile despite the pain and horrors

ghosts wait in whispers and shadows

as boxes fill with symbols of what was life

the relics of the mundane, uninteresting

now holding value beyond comprehension

snatching the last memory of laughter

the last dance of the yellow rose

washing my hands clean

tireless efforts of avoidance

my ego thinning

refusal to use the name

given to me as my first gift

from my father

disgust and fear and loss

fragile and worn

battered by the ocean

of social commentary`

created by goblins

human in appearance

hiding in corners

my eyes forced downward

to the floor

becoming intimate with infamy

that is not mine to bear, to feel, to know

this shame, mistrust, arrogance

belongs to creatures of moonless nights

loss of sanity and sanctity

at the hands of tools and cronies

dolos and apate with claws piercing

despite knowledge

despite honor

despite love

given freely

dipping the cup into the river

splashing through the core of me

the fable was rewritten

in a language foreign and vague

told by false prophets

over ice cold bud light and gin

my retreat solid cold steel

my defeat commemorated in stone

while the victors dance

i will learn

to love the wasteland

pointless test pointless drs


i went to the dr yesterday to have a sonogram done on my carotid arteries.  the dr thinks that maybe a cause in the falling down/passing out deal.

while getting ready to go, i noticed i was hyperaggro.  i was getting more and more upset the closer we got to walking out the door.  it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why i am feeling this way-i am fed fucking up!  i am losing my faith that this is something that is going away or even something they will label.  i am exhausted w the whole process and dealing w arrogant drs and techs and nurses, undergoing constant stupid tests, being probed, prodded and examined is mindnumbing!  all the while, i am sliding into an abyss of declining physical health i am losing my grasp on my life.


i am an active person.  i have good friends, i cook good food, i do good stuff for the places i live.  i tell good jokes, i have a good laugh, i wear good clothes (to me), i have a good partner and a good family life.  i like to go for good walks, tell good stories, take good naps, and have a good night’s sleep.  that is the me.  that is what i do.





now, i struggle to speak.  there are times i am trying to talk and it is literally incomprehensible.  the words formed in my brain will not come out my mouth, instead it is random grunts reminding me of someone who has had a stroke.  before this whole decline i was doing oral storytelling for kids, now i can barely have a conversation.  at the best of times i stutter immensely, repeating the same word over and over.  even having a telephone conversation is outta the question most of the time.

it is fall, and the temperature is perfect for taking a stroll down the street.  the leaves are turning and the smell that fills the air is intoxicating.  i am not walking and taking in the beauty of my favorite season.  i fall down randomly.  so if i go for a walk i must have a partner who is willing and able to carry me home.  my oldest son can do this, but how do you ask that?  it’s too much to ask for, your baby to carry you home.

even wearing clothes is iffy.  when i leave the house, i have the need to never wear the comfy jammies i run around the house in, and i must always always wear a bra.  this is torture sometimes, and enough for me to stay home so i don’t have the scratchiness of denim or the inside cluster of cotton against my skin.  every weave can be felt.  it is overwhelming to the senses.


i go to the dr at least once a month, to the gp.  plus tests, plus specialists.  we are holding our collective family breath for the neurologist in a week.  praying silent prayers to any deity who might be listeningImage

, Image ImageImageImage

anyone out there-to pleas let the neurologist have some sort of direction in which to steer us!  my family is grasping to hold onto a ray of light barely visible.  my hands can’t seem to grasp it any longer, i don’t even see it.  it just feels like a burden to try somedays.

the part of me that has always fought against everything is dwindling.  old thoughts and desires seem to be creeping into the cracks in my hope.  the idea of getting some relief from life seems more and more satisfying the more i slide downhill.  my cravings for a small respite, some good opiate sleep, is becoming more pervasive and a better part of my consciousness.  i have kept it at bay, refusing to even think about it, refusing to go to the drs i know will give me a shot, steering clear of certain ppl during certain times bc i know what i will be.  a zombie nodding out who doesn’t need to eat or drink or move.  a person who can’t think a thought to completion, a person who loses her voice and desire.   but somedays those things are ripped away from me without my consent, and i am left in pain and in a sea of despair.  somedays i need a lifejacket bc my feet can no longer tread this water.  the fight is running out of me.  i am tired.  i am losing a battle in which my enemy is myself, living inside me attacking me on all fronts, systematically killing my hope and happiness, my faith my desires and my will.  it is not fair to put my loves through another 5 year oblivion, and i know that.  that thought alone has sustained my sobriety this long.  the knowledge that seeing me fail at life gives them reason to falter is all i have left.  i am no longer holding on for myself, only for the loved ones.  hopefully they are enough.  today they are enough, or at least at this moment.  i don’t want to fall again, i don’t want to show them it’s over.Image

dear body

dear body,Image

i know we have not been getting along very well over the past few months.  i apologize for that.  i am not exactly sure what i did to deserve the full force of your wrath.  if you would please explain i can remedy any miscommunications we have had.  i would like to go back to our relationship as it was before, when we were both happy and healthy.  i promise i am doing all i can in order to fulfill your needs, but, sweet body, you are making it very difficult for me.  the constant exhaustion, the lack of digestion and nutrition, the inability to sleep, the pain, taking away my freedom to speak correctly, the falling down, the confusion and the infections make it difficult at best to want to be around you.  i know that you are going through something, and things are hard on you too.  please allow me to help!  please let me know how i can be better to you, so you are not having to exhibit these problems!  hope to hear from you soon!


the brain of grace

it’s a pain day-for dr

today is one of those days i wish i could remove my skin.  clothes are so painful.  sitting down is painful.  lying down is painful.  standing up painful.  i can feel every fiber in the shirt i am wearing.  i will have to go and find another one as soon as amy wakes up.  i can’t stand this all day.  it feels like burlap but it is really a nice cotton shirt.  the weather is cooling off which means more skin to cover up with fabrics that feel like sand paper.  i used to love the fall when i could wear sweatpants or lounge pants all day, but i loathe it now.  the same clothing that used to give me so much comfort feels like it is cutting me to the bone.  i wish i could just take my skin off and hang it up somewhere, maybe in a closet.

i accidentally spilled coffee all over myself this morning.  that happens when you have weakness and trembling.  i could feel the wet spot on my shirt and shorts, but it didn’t feel wet, it just felt like cutting pain in precisely the places where my clothes were wet.  now i am in dry clothes but those spots still hurt.

i get so tired of this!  so fed up!  i wake up every hour and a half bc my body is in usch pain.  sometimes it is bad enough that i wake up screaming, sometimes i wake up and have to vomit.  but i never sleep more than an hour and a half at a time.

i am exhausted.  every step takes so much effort.  i have to decide if what i need to get up and do is worth the expense of getting up and doing it.  how does this rank in importance?  wash dishes ranks pretty low, and i won’t get up to do that but i will do it if i am already up.  someone bleeding usually is pretty high on the list of priorities and i can generally muster up the will to move for that.  using the restroom falls somewhere in between the two and i can put that off until i absolutely must get up and go.  every movement has a priority.  that is what happens when you hurt so badly.

i am in a pretty piss poor mood, and i have already been on the brink of saying just anything that crosses my mind, which is not great bc generally it is not even what i really feel, it’s just gut reaction to a situation.  and right now my gut reactions aren’t all that fab or reliable.  i am hoping that i will have enough will power not to alienate everyone in my life today.  but really who knows?  they may all get tired of my snappy retorts and decide mutiny is the best course of action and behead me in the backyard…

i wonder how long it would take then for my body to stop feeling pain

**after amy read the above she said “beheading you would take too much effort, so you are safe”  well i see i am safe from the beheading but what about poisoning?


i have also been dropping things alot today and walking into walls.  i noticed last night that part of my right bicep was shaking and my hand was shaking.  my foot is dragging a bit today but i have not fallen today.  i think this is mostly due to my being restricted to the bed.   i am vomiting and wicked nauseous today.  the dizziness or vertigo which ever it is is extremely bad. as is my visual perception.  i have to close one eye to read.  auditory processing is mildly effected-i can hear words but it takes a few seconds to figure out what they mean and if there is alot of noise i can’t understand anything at all, it’s too overwhelming.

10-19: passed out, have no idea what happened i just lost consciousness.

10-20: got extremely dizzy, tried to answer amy’s questions but my words were not making sense.  she said i couldn’t open my eyes and i was babbling,  don’t remember just remember feeling nauseated and dizzy.