entrance into the cave of the mysteries

i was born mistakenly

without a phallus of my own

the tiny testes were absent

i was born with girlie parts

the xx disaster

in a time and place

where the power of the cunt

has been surrendered

ripped and stripped

tortured, mutilated

and held for ransom

the tides, the moon

the braided feminine

indoctrinated self deprecation

to think

to love

to fuck

to demand

to fight

to own self accountability

to never be afraid to go to hell

to be a whore

gladly and proudly

i know my sisters

i see them in my dreams

women of every shape and size

women of all races, cultures, locations

women who are prisoners in their flesh

the feminine resides in all things

she is stirring, she cannot stay contained

when the shackles are broken

we will see dancing like never before

where does moonlight come from

what happens to the soul

when a nun becomes a whore

or a whore becomes a nun

both a rejection of self

both servicing a dick or two

is it the payment

dollars v damnation

or the living quarters

why should we speak in hushed voices

only whispering ghosts of our pleasures

then denying them later

is there no piety in lust and laughter

when the waters churn and drip

is that only blasphemous temptation

or could it be singing of divine revelations

the voice of queen achtland in ecstasy

shrugging off the shame and misogyny

a delightful pride in scarlet letters

owning symbols once used to tether

proud and damned we are

from virgin to concubine

and back again

shower shit and shouting-early morning ramblings & arguments with c&g

c:”do you believe in the divine?”

g:” like God?”

c: “yeah…”

g: “i usually think about the god, the trinity of the abraham religions, on tuesdays”

c: “what do you think about them on tuesdays?”

g: “i think it all sounds swell, but it’s not my bag”

c: “so you don’t believe in the divine?”

g: “i believe in a lot of things that are divine:





cheese (a really good cheese)





south america

old people

punk rock

i think the definition of divine needs to be adjusted a bit….”

c: “so you are not religious?”

g: “i am super religious”

c: “what religion are you?”

g: “there are variations and evolutions, like everything else in life…”

c: “do you have an answer or are you just full of shit?”

g: “i have a full of shit answer…an accurate description agnostic humanist neo-pagan polytheist pantheist tree-huggin flower-smellin fairy”

c: “you are gay”

g: “true”

c: “don’t you think that is a crime against nature?”

g: “i think concrete is a crime against nature”

c: “that doesn’t answer the question…”

g: “of course it does, but i will rephrase:

no i don’t think being gay is an unnatural state of being, obviously it isn’t unnatural for me seeing as how i am gayly gay.  there are many people who use pieces of religious doctrine to criminalize queerness, but it is usually taken out of context and reworded.  as far as i am concerned, those people are looking for justification to be criminals and they have bucketfuls of unhappiness to carry around, so they are trying to lighten their load by throwing some of the content on others.  scientists have studied critters in the wild, and have found that there are animals who mate with members of the same sex.  for some of these it is a matter of dominance, but for a majority, they have found, it is about comfort and is the animal’s preference.  the wild beast category with the most gay members is the dragonfly, now maybe i am not giving the dragonfly enough credit, but i have never seen one put much forethought into their actions.  so if a dragonfly acts on instinct, primarily, how can it act contrary to nature?  therefore, how can being gay be unnatural?”

c: “are you a feminist?”

g: “yup, independently”

c: “do you hate men?”

g: “no”

c: “isn’t that a part of feminism?”

g: “not at all.  feminism is a celebration of the feminine, carving a new space for women.  for quite awhile in many mainstream societies women were/are a lower caste then the masculine, making room for women in that system doesn’t mean putting men in the lower system while the female occupies the upper, it is more about taking the platform away therefore breaking apart the caste system altogether.  history has shown over and over again, when power is taken from one and given to another, it is an illusion and at some point that power goes away, but when we empower ourselves from within looking inward for validation, that is an eternal truth.”

c: “what about transwomen?  there are alot of people who think they have no place in feminism”

g: “the idea of elitism is contrary to egalitarian culture, putting more boundaries/dress-codes/criteria in place is the opposite of opening doors to a truly equal society, which is what feminism was/is supposed to be about.  i think it is disgraceful to demand equality, but equality only for ‘women’ and definitely only for ‘these women’!  if we lock out men and transgender peoples today, who is locked out tomorrow and where will it stop?  when i see a movement denying others’ access, denying others’ even the right to voice support, i do not see a movement for civil rights, i see a movement to make the persons of power look different than those in power currently-it’s simply a changing of the guard.  i have always called myself a feminist, but i can’t get on board with many of the philosophies that are held by groups and leaders and the upper-crust of the movement.  the thing is, some people are cool and some people suck and there is no exterior indicator.  so fuck a movement that closes it’s doors to anyone other than __________ because human rights aren’t carnival rides.”

“it’s been great seeing you again, but i really must run along now!!!  the conversation was delightful as always-i always learn so much about me when talking to me….i hope i am home the next time i stop in!”

anam bandia tuatha de’ danann-soul goddess of the family of danu

i am not a lady

i am not proper

i am not a minder-of-words

i am not beautiful

i am not socially acceptable

i am not simple

i am not incapable

i am not illiterate

i am not meek

i am not a pretty princess

i am not concerned with the market

i am not concerned with stock prices

i am not weak

i am not quiet

i am a slut

i am bitch

i am a trouble maker

i am an owner of myself

i am proud

i am aggressive

i am a delver in enjoyment

i am a warrior

i am confusion

i am badb

i am the capacity to slaughter

i am macha

i am havoc

i am nemain

i am the three

i am the war

i am the goddess

i am the great queen

i am the morrigan

i am

i am

i am

i am always

i am forever entitled

i am the ownership

i am the deed and creed

i am unto myself

i am creation

i am destruction

i am birth

i am death

i am rebirth

i am a world

i am my own rite

i will never surrender nor follow

why we need feminism campaign

why we need feminism campaign

little girl reading little girl

there has been a campaign on why feminism is important.  do we  still need a feminist movement?  what good does it do society?  well, this article is the exact reason feminism still has a place at the shit needs to change table!

an little girl was being raped for years and finally ends up pregnant with the rapist’s baby.  this monster began the abuse when the girl was eight years old!  eight years old!  she is now eleven and pregnant with the baby of the man who stole her life.  what options does this child have?  what options have been ripped away from her beginning three years ago when the monster first attacked her?  what course was her life on that day?  did she have dreams of becoming a doctor or a dancer or wonder woman like most eight year old girls?  did she think she would someday be a rock star or a broadway actress?  did she dress up and sing songs in the mirror like i did when i was eight?  i doubt she was dreaming of being a mom in three years.  i doubt she had dreams of growing a fetus, or having to make a choice to terminate pregnancy before she was probably even aware of what pregnancy was.  i doubt she ever imagined the person she is today.


this girl is why we need feminism!  this girl and every other person in the world who faces not only rape, sexual assault, human trafficking, child marriages, sexist slurs against both women and men, the degradation of the feminine, the alienation at the hands of monsters hiding in shadows!  we need feminism because this girl and so many more like her had dreams that are ripped away replaced with decisions of abortion, adoption or raising a child when you are not prepared.  we need feminism because the view on any decision this girl makes will be condemned by ppl.  we need feminism bc women need to realize they are not fertile soil.  we need feminism bc this girl’s body stopped being her own a long time ago.  we need feminism bc there are monsters out there who stalked and prey on our children.  we need feminism bc no matter what this guy will never get what he deserves and because that girl will never not have been tortured.  nothing we do can ever give her back the life that was taken, the dreams that were broken when he broke her hymen, the little angel that slept with a teddy bear is now sleeping with a fetus.

littlle girl w doll teen pregnancy and education picture

real beauty

real beauty

body image is one of the major aspects of self that women battle with on a consistent basis. we are never enough. we are too big, fat, ugly, our boobs aren’t perfect, our belly swells before menstruation, we have hips that are too big, we have flat butts, we have flabby arms, and we are told from birth these things are bad. we gain a whole new set of problems when we have children. and again when we hit the point in our lives when the beautiful chestnut brown of our hair begins to turn gray and the laughter in our eyes become wrinkles. sometimes we are directly told these things, but for the most part it is said through the media, advertising, clothing stores, the sneers toward others on the beach as they point and laugh at a woman who is over weight. it is taught to us by the dolls we play w as children. there are entire industries dedicated to making women feel ugly. so when i see a fashion model hold their head high in their underwear standing on the end of a runway for photographers to take her picture, it almost brings me to tears. thank you brave woman!!!

why do ppl have such a hard time understanding gender variations?


lgbtqa movements are springing up all over the place.  for those of you way behind on the lingo lgbtqa stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning, asexual/ally.  you may see this combo of letters in different arrangements, sometimes with other letters attached or it may be referred to as “alphabet soup”.  this can be confusing but it means our ideas on sexual identity and gender identity are expanding which is a fabulous thing!

i have to say that the brave ppl who fought gender oppression were the first on the front lines of the battle for sexual rights.  this is not just at stonewall but in san fransico and los angelos.  the gender pushers were the first to take a bottle to the head and police harassment.   transphobia in the gay/queer community is ridiculous and redundant.  it should stop.  it should have never begun.

so here’s the deal..gay, lesbian, bisexual and queer are forms of sexual behavior, attraction and action,  the verb sex. this sex includes forms other than “one man with one woman” sex.  transgender and gender queer have nothing to do with verb sex, and everything to do with noun sex-what gender you are and what gender you identify with.  and while the word sex is used in both of these categories the meaning of the word changes changing the entire climate of the conversation.  for simplicity sake let’s take out noun sex and replace it with the word gender. at least for a bit.

it seems to me the breakdown in communication is most commonly occurring here: sexuality vs. gender.  over the last 50 years our cultural understanding of sexuality has made great strides, more and more things outside the boundaries of one male, one female missionary style sex are becoming acceptable and expected.  families look very different today than they did in 1950.  you may see a child with 2 dads or 2 moms or 2 moms one dad or 2 dads one mom or no mom or no dad….you may see men holding hands with men in walmart or women holding hands in the mall.  not to say these things were not happening in 1950, but it was not happening in public, only behind closed doors and under facades.  there are ppl who can say “i have no sexual attraction towards anyone!”  now we SEE the wide variety of sexual orientations everywhere.  there are advocacy groups for gays, there are pflags and gay/straight alliances in schools, there are a wide variety of christian churches opening their doors to the queer population.  all of this is wonderful!

but due to the way sex has been wrapped up in gender for so long, and traditional gender roles have been established by man does abc, woman does 123, how do you abc123 when you have two ppl of the same gender filling both roles?  this has left us with a great opportunity to reconsider what is masculine and what is feminine.  what does gender mean?  and how do we individually see ourselves under the gender microscope?

this allows a person who was born a male, to look inside themselves, to stop playing by societal rules, and know they are female.  most ppl look at a transgender woman and assume they are just a very flamboyant gay male, therefore the transwoman will be attracted to men, have sex w men bc deep down they are just a man in a dress who likes to smooch other men.  this could not be further from the truth about transppl!  trans ppl struggle from a very early age with gender identity.  this has nothing to do with who they want to smooch on.  as a matter of fact, i know more trans ppl who if they were cis-gendered (identifying with the gender they were assigned at birth-a female person who lives in a female body as a female) they would be considered straight.  many transwomen i know are in relationships with female identified ppls, and many transmen are in relationships with other male identified ppl.  being a trans person or a gender pusher does not have anything to do with your sexual orientation.

a person has every right to live as their chosen gender or lack of gender.  it is the choice of the individual and ppl other than that individual do not get to define them.  the same goes for sexuality.   i don’t get to say that a person is not a woman bc they do not have big breasts.  when it comes down to cis-gendered folks, noone would argue that breast size has nothing to do w the validity of the woman.  same goes for transppl!  if a person is born male but feels female she has every right to express herself in the manner that makes her feel comfortable.  this may not include typical “feminine” social constraints-it is possible that a transwoman may never shave their legs, wear a dress, wear a wig, curl their hair or pick flowers; a transman may shave thier legs, never work on cars and enjoy cooking.  doing things outside of the social norm is ok for transppl, as it is for any other ppls!  if the shaving of legs makes you more or less a woman, there are alot more girls in boy bodies and boys in girl bodies.  bottom line is the ppl who get to define a person is the person themselves and noone else!

there is a major issue in many of the activist circles concerning the legitimacy of transppl.  i have seen alot of trans-snubbing and even violence against transppl or gender queer ppl.  i have seen this in the feminist circles, in the gay community and of course in the hetronormative world.  it makes me incredibly sad to see this.  the results are devastating!  self-mutilation, suicide, depression are just a few very common issues that occur in ppl who don’t tow the cis-gendered line, and not having a community to fall back on, a group of ppl who say you are great the way you are only further pushes the transppl toward these very destructive problems.  i have seen feminists rallying for equality tell transwomen they are not real women and have no place in feminist circles.  i have seen members of the gay community turn their backs on trans ppl.  i think this is bullshit and i would rather not be associated with ppl who act so deplorably!  we call for equal rights but only for a select few?  we ask not to be judged for who we are, and yet we sit back and judge others for just being who they are?  this is not ok!  when one person is oppressed, we all  are oppressed.  when one person is assaulted, we all feel the ramifications of that!  i cannot understand why ppl who have been on the receiving end of so much hatred and mistreatment can turn around and demean, humiliate and belittle other ppl!  this needs to end!

my trans and gender queer friends are some of the coolest and most educated ppl i know.  they are strong and they are beautiful.  the world is much better having these ppl than not!  we need to stop drawing lines in the sand making ppl outside of acceptable.  ask questions, talk to ppl, listen!  i have yet to meet a transperson or gender queer person who is unwilling to at least attempt dialogue on the issues of gender and/or sexuality.  i have learned so much from just having friends over and asking questions in an honest way than i have reading any book ever written!  i do have extraordinary friends, but i believe they are not the exception.  if you don’t know any transppl or gender queer ppl, le t me know, and i will have someone get in touch with you and answer any questions you have to the best of their ability!